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“The youth and energy of our country is allowing us to make incredible progress and outstanding success in many non-oil sectors.

The Made in Saudi program is a celebration of the technical innovation, creative talent, and business acumen that flows through our Kingdom.

Now is our time to build on this currency of domestic achievement and to share it with each other, throughout the region and around the globe.”

His Excellency The Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Mr. Bandar bin Ibrahim Alkhorayef

The Made in Saudi Program has been launched under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, by His Excellency, The Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Mr. Bandar bin Ibrahim Alkhorayef on March 28th, 2021. 

It is a National Industrial Development and Logistics Program (NIDLP) initiative managed by the Saudi Export Development Authority (Saudi Exports). A governmental body concerned with increasing Saudi non-oil exports. Saudi Exports set out to develop and manage MiS program with the intent to help support the Kingdom in achieving Vision 2030 objectives.  


Vision and Mission: 

Our Vision: Making Saudi Arabia’s products the preferred choice.

Our Mission: Supported by our ecosystem, we are committed to build a trusted brand that drives demand for Saudi Arabian products. 

The program plays a key role in building a trusted national brand for Saudi products and services, promote Saudi Arabian made products and services locally and globally, and provide a unique and consistent experience for the members of the program.

Under one unified brand, MiS will bring significant opportunities for businesses to expand their reach and promote their products domestically and globally.



The Made in Saudi program is much more than a logo! 

Businesses that join the program will be at the heart of a collaborative community. The program brings ministries, government agencies, and the private sector closer together to promote Saudi national products under one unified brand assisting in the Kingdom's long-term economic growth and 2030 Vision. 

Join MiS program today and have the right to use the national brand logo “Saudi Made” and the program benefits to be part of exporting Saudi heritage to the world and Kingdom’s transformation vision. 

Together, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.